What industry problems which My-Neighbour are actually addressing?
1. Communication- Industry lack of communication between party of house keeper, customer and company. We are not like hotel to have fixed layout for each houses, therefore communication is playing important key to deliver the quality output which customer expected.
2. Transportation: The raise of gig economy is driving the transportation cost increase tremendously within recent 7-10 years. My-Neighbour directly fix the 1-3 house keeper to covered condo to ensure the house keeper deliver process can be better.
3. Consistent Quality output: I would said 99% of the customer are busy, that why they looking for us to help them. Can be able to deliver the same house keeper to customer every session is way far not enough, our goal is deliver 95% same quality of the house keeper work, the same quality of customer service quality when customer need us, the same spirit of how we run the company.
Lastly, we wish our present can bring peace and joy to all my neighbours & their family 🤎